
Working with strong institutions

No big project can do without external support. The main partners of this large-scale project are strong institutions such as the City of Ostrava, the Moravian-Silesian Region, and the Czech Athletics Federation. Thanks to them, the KAAO can fulfil the goals of its mission. It offers a team of specialists providing coaching, medical, nutritional, regenerative, and physiotherapeutic care, rehabilitation, material security, and high-quality training workshops.

Strong partners give better chances

Every bit of support allows talented young athletes, their coaches, and their supporters to work harder to attract more attention and allow new talents to join their ranks.

Connection to a unique project and environment

Partnering with the KAAO will bring you visibility, a connection with a unique project, and an insight into the behind-the-scenes preparation of a budding elite athlete. At the same time, you will become a VIP guest of important athletics events attended by KAAO athletes, including the biggest events in the region such as the Golden Spike Ostrava.

Personal meetings with athletes or coaches are also an integral part of the programme.

Fulfilling social responsibility

However, the main benefit of this project remains the fulfilment of social responsibility – supporting talented young people between the ages of 15 and 26 who are questioning whether or not to stay in sports. Only if they persevere can they win big medals, including Olympic medals, or bring up a new generation of athletes themselves and pass on their enthusiasm.

You will help the most talented and hardworking athletes to achieve their goals and become role models for others.

No gift is too small

You can make a donation directly to the organisation’s account and send your details for a donation agreement to It will be issued to you immediately.

Long-term partnerships

Or you can sign a partnership and advertising agreement, and become a long-term supporter of young talent in the KAAO.

We will be happy to send you a partnership offer, including how and where your help can improve conditions after prior agreement. We will discuss the details in person, answer questions, and prepare a tailor-made partnership project.

QR code for donations by bank transfer

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